Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cathedral and dandelions

I posted a picture of the Saint Paul Cathedral earlier but then took a much better photo on my walk home from work. So here ya go. Alas, on the way to work, there was a gorgeous blue sky with big fluffy clouds and I passed so many photo opps on my walk, but I was late to work so I figured I'd snap the pictures on my way home. By the time I got out of work, the sky had completely clouded over and all my set-ups had been ruined. That'll teach me to be late to work and thus miss valuable photographing time...


Kate said...

Love the combination of the stately Cathedral and the lowly dandelions. Makes the photo more interesting.

Hilda said...

Wow, that's a very impressive cathedral! It's huge but, somehow, it strikes me as being compact too. Are you allowed to take photos inside?

Molly said...

You know what's awful? I don't recall ever being inside the cathedral. I walk be it all the time, and admire it from the outside, but can't remember stepping inside.

Kate said...

Yes, you can take photos inside. The interior is mammoth inside, too. My husband's parents were married at one of the side altars many years ago and my daughter had her high school graduation in the church. It's really pretty awesome; and its building history is fascinating,also.